Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Coupon Policies

If you've attended the coupon classes, you may remember I have a pocket at the back of my coupon binder for store coupon policies.  Why is this important?  For one thing, it helps me remember how each store works with coupons.  But, almost more importantly, I can use it when there is a confused cashier who needs some "encouragement" to do the right thing.  I'm constantly amazed how many store employees, including managers, are not informed about their store's coupon policies!  If I'm armed with a printed-out copy, though, I can kindly (always with a smile, everybody!) show them what they are supposed to do.

Here are links to some common stores' coupon policies.  If yours isn't listed here, you can always google the store's website and find it.  Print them out and keep them with you! :)


Walmart  (new)



Kroger and CVS don't seem to have corporate coupon policies posted.  Perhaps they vary by store.

For those of you who live in other areas, here are a few more:



Rite Aid


  1. Thanks for posting these, L. I sure wish I'd had a copy of the Target policies several months back. I had an experience that turned me off to ever using coupons there again. It had to do with the fact that I had $1 off mfr coupons with no minimum purchase stipulation. On a couple of 99c items, the cashier flat out refused to let me use my coupons and reduce the coupon value by 1c. I KNEW that she was wrong, but I had no proof and it simply wasn't worth the fight. I just left my items and have chosen not to go back. Maybe with your info I'll be brave enough to give it another whirl.

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