I've been on a quest, since the beginning of this year, to learn all I can about how to save money and to share that information with anyone who wants to know. I've learned many great secrets to paying very little for a lot! After people asked me for information, I began a blog at another blog site, but have decided to switch over to blogspot because of the garbage my readers and I were subjected to--totally beyond my control!
Would you like to know how to pay 12 cents out of pocket for this much merchandise at CVS?
How about $4.44 for these items at Walgreens?
Hubby loves Snickers and sometimes we take one along with us when we're out and about, just in case it takes longer than we expect and somebody gets hungry. We split one between the three of us (isn't it sweet of my wonderful husband to share one of his favorite treats?) and it tides us over until we get home to our healthier food! :) All the toothbrushes? No, we don't need that many, but it's nice to have extras around and we also can give things like that to the food bank. In fact, when you're "stockpiling" all these free or inexpensive, non-perishable and hygiene items, it's a good thing to think of those who may be in need and can benefit from your surplus!
I've learned to save money on food items, too, though I rarely think to take photos of those. I have purchased name-brand cereal for 19 cents or 39 cents a box, and usually don't pay any more than $1.10 per box. If you buy cereal, you know how expensive it can be! I will eventually share with you the best way to use coupons.
Anyway, that's what this site is all about. Saving money takes some effort and time, and it's beneficial for us all to help each other! In the coming days, weeks and months, I will share with you what I know, and if you have ideas or tips, please feel free to offer them! :)
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